Three Step KISS Rule for Hosting Holiday Dinners


The holiday season is here, so let’s embrace it by filling our cup with selfcare and wellness so that we may pour our family and friends a big cup of the best holiday season with room to make memories and mingle with loved ones and besties by following my KISS rule.
The holidays are a time for love, warmth, and connection, not stress, exhaustion, and overspending.  Personally, I love to keep my holiday dinners with my boys simple, casual, and cozy--just us. However, when hosting a holiday dinner party, I’ve learned to KISS (Keep it Simple Siter!). When I shared this KISS rule with my friend Norma, who hosts breath-taking parties for friends at family in her beautiful home, she said, “Sister, you’re speaking my language!”  

When you KISS, you create a holiday experience that is as warm and welcoming as a big hug and selfcare centered to keep you holiday healthy you open a healthy social space to make memories and mingle with friends and family

My favorite KISS rule for hosting holiday dinners is making a beautiful buffet-style dinner with simple holiday dishes. When you host buffet-style dinners it allows you to focus on what's important which is to make memories with loved ones and mingle with friends while enjoying the freedom to have fun and enjoy a dinner with everyone, stress-free.

A holiday buffet-style dinner party is a great way to relieve hosting pressure and allows you to plan in advance from menu, décor, guests to budget. It’s also a great way to create deeper connection with your guests by inviting them to bring and share a holiday dish they love. This enriches your menu, and everyone gets to taste new flavors and enjoy their favorite dish with everyone else...and it’s great on the budget if you plan ahead by asking your guests to bring their favorite dish. 

Just let your guests know your menu and ask them to prepare a favorite dish that harmonizes with your main menu. You can find more about this particular KISS rule in our Bud to Bloom Magazine Fall 2023 and other articles that help you create a memorable holiday experience.

Also, when you KISS, the clean-up is much easier, especially if you pre-set cleaning stations and let your guests know where to dispose of their dinner ware after enjoying their delicious meal.

Did I mention you can wear cute and comfy clothes and enjoy games and activities. You can also ask your guests to bring their favorite board games and movies. It’s always so much fun to see what family and friends bring over to the holiday dinner party.

You’re welcome to access all 3-Steps KISS me plan. Just subscribe free to Bud to Bloom Magazine.  

You’ll also find other amazing articles with easy, natural and budget friendly tips and steps to make this holiday season as self-care focused as possible for your wellbeing with maximum enjoyment.

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